JK Medirise sees opportunities in Latin America and Africa

Brückenkopf GmbH recently interviewed with Mr. Ketan Munjani, Marketing and Sales Manager at JK Medirise.

(Q: Question from Brückenkopf GmbH / A: Answer from Mr. Ketan Munjani by JK Medirise)

Q: Mr. Munjani, what is your current portfolio? We understand that your company is a reputable medical device manufacturer, which categories do you focus on?

A: Our company was incorporated in the year 2012, we manufacture Single Use Medical Devices for transfusion & infusion, urology and cardiology purposes. We also deliver anesthesia, surgery, gastro-enterology, and surgery dressing products, and our product lines are expanding.

Q: What are the major markets of your company? The domestic one or international market?

A: We identify the precise need of the client related to the product and delivers products following international quality standards. We serve the international market in the worldwide healthcare sector, and we have obtained and maintained very strong international reputation.

Q: Do you have R&D capabilities of your company, or do you co-operate with third parties?

A: Our company has highly qualified and skilled team members who work in professional environment in the work place. R&D is important to the company. We have our own R&D capabilities but at same time we also work with third parties in terms of R&D to offer the most accurate and reliable products to our customers.

Q: How do you manage product quality control of your products? Do you hold any quality certifications to your products?

A: Yes. We have ISO 13485 Certificate & CE Certificate. In our company quality holds the top priority. Every item passes through strict quality checks at various stages before they are finally approved for delivery.

Q: What do you see as challenges and opportunities in the market in 2017?

A: We foresee new innovative Product as challenges, and we think there are vast opportunities in Latin American and African countries for our range of product. As an international oriented company, we evaluate our success by keeping the aspects of our customers, physicians or healthcare professionals together, as they are the ones whom we are working for.

Manufacturer exporter India plastic medical disposable devices cannula catheter gloves syringes Needles sutures bandages Oximeter Guidewire Haemostatic Interventional intravenous Introducer Nebulizer tube bags sterile oxygen Thoracic endotracheal urine vein venous arteries stent inflation jk medirise

Fabricante exportador India plástico dispositivos médicos desechables cánula cateter guantes jeringuillas Agujas suturas vendajes Oxímetro Guiador Hemostático Intervención intravenosa Introducción Nebulizador tubo bolsas oxígeno estéril Oxígeno estéril oxígeno orina endotraqueal torácica arterias venosas stent inflación jk medida

Fabricant exportateur Inde plastique médicaux dispositifs jetables canule cathéter gants seringues Aiguilles sutures bandages Oximètre Guidewire Hémostatique Interventionnel intraveineux Introduit Nébuliseur sacs à tubes oxygène stérile Thoracic endotrachéale urine veine veineuses artères stent inflation jk mesureise